Zoom Cyber Sanctuary

While we offer our spiritually-aligning Sunday Service in-person (masks not required) we also offer the ability to join online and participate in real-time:

Join us online via our Zoom Cyber Sanctuary on Sundays at 10:30am MST:


Zoom Cyber Sanctuary link:  https://zoom.us/j/7210675148


To Call-in and listen to Sunday Service over Phone on Sundays at 10:30am MST:

Call This Number:  719-359-4580

Enter this Meeting ID followed by the # key: 721-067-5148

Facebook Live:  https://www.facebook.com/UnitySantaFe/ 

We look forward to seeing you in person and in our Zoom Cyber Sanctuary.  See the message for this upcoming Sunday's Service!

Contact Us:

Office: 505-989-4433
Rev Liz Luoma:  revliz@unitysantafe.org
Communications/Special Projects:  communications@unitysantafe.org
Finances & Facilities:  admin@unitysantafe.org

Make sure you are receiving our weekly newsletter and be sure to check out our calender to stay in touch and get back to being fully connected with your Unity Community.