Anti-Racism Allies - Open Dinner at Jambo Cafe

Anti-Racism Allies Logo

Thursday March 30th, 6pm

This Month we are holding our meeting at black-owned restaurant Jambo Cafe.  We invite you to join us for a special dinner as we continue our discussions and forward movement and momentum towards greater and greater action.  Please sign up below so we know how many to expect.  See you there!


Jambo Cafe

In Support of Love and Unity....

In aligning with the true meaning behind the word Unity, we have begun a new support group which meets once a month over Zoom, to help ourselves understand the truth of racism in the way it is implicitly woven into the fabric of our society, and grow in doing our part to make things better.  We welcome people of all nationalities, creed's and colors as we discuss our own conditioning, the current state of affairs in the world, as well as our responsibility to create positive change and the ways in which we will go about doing so.  See you there!