Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers

by Prayer Practitioner Kristine Baker

Unity Santa Fe Prayer Column November Man Praying2023

This month of Thanksgiving I invite you to the most quick and effective way to pray I have ever heard of. I believe we instinctively use these three forms of prayer in times of need. The three little prayers are Help, Thanks and Wow. I learned this from a book by Anne Lamott - Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers.

At age 23 I remember waking up on I-80, while driving, and realizing I was about to hit the rear end of a semi, I turned left sharply as the car rolled into the median. My prayer was HELP. In my head I heard, β€œrelax Kris, it won’t kill you.” My next thought was a big THANKS followed by the WOW, I was conscious, I was not hurt, and it didn’t kill me.

Maybe you remember one of those three prayers crossing your lips after a very human life event that surprised you. We are souls experiencing our human beingness. We will have danger, fear, surprise, pain and sadness as well as joy, gratitude, miracles and wonder.

This month of November we are offered the opportunity to keep life simple and be grateful for the Divine Grace that is with us everyday in everyway. Keep these three essential prayers in your heart and have a grace filled, grateful season.