October's Care & Share - "WINTER IS COMING" 🌨️

Our Social Action Team is sponsoring a service opportunity here at Unity Santa Fe, called Care and Share, as a way of blessing others in our local Santa Fe community.

By talking with local social service organizations, we've learned what some of the greatest needs are in our community.

Each month, we are highlighting one specific need and offering the opportunity for you to donate items to fill that need.  

Winter is coming!  Yes, really!  Let's help keep our unhoused friends warm this winter.  For the month of October, our Community Action Team will be collecting these items for the Interfaith Shelter (Pete's Place):Jackets in a box

Warm Clothes:
• Hats
• Gloves
• Coats, especially "extra sizes"
• Warm socks
• Any warm clothes 

Interfaith Community Shelter, also known as Pete’s Place, offers hope and a safe place for anyone who is homeless or vulnerable as they overcome adversity. ICS is more than an overnight shelter for those who do not have a place to sleep. It offers a range of services available during the day all year long for any low or no-income individual whether he or she is experiencing homelessness or not. Forming the Interfaith Community Shelter was the community’s response to numerous deaths of individuals experiencing homelessness one brutally cold winter in Santa Fe.

Bring your donations to church on Sundays! 

THANK YOU so much for your ongoing generosity! You are making a difference by extending love into our Santa Fe community.

For more info email: communications@unitysantafe.org