Prayer Support

Prayer Requests:

You can receive a one-on-one prayer 24/7 by calling Silent Unity at 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729). More information on Silent Unity can be found at their site. You can also you can submit a prayer to Silent Unity online here. And you have prayer access on your smart phone 24/7 by downloading Silent Unity’s “UPray” app.

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Affirmative Prayer for Healing

The Life God IS, is flowing through my (your) body right now doing It's mighty work -- cleansing, purifying, and healing whatever is needed. The wisdom God IS, is present and working through my (your) entire medical team to support God's healing work. The love God IS, is right now blessing me (you) with the peace that passes understanding as I (you) thrive through this process. I know that this is so, I celebrate that this is so. And I am grateful that this is so, because it is so. And so it is. Amen!

Practical Prayer Process

  • Acknowledge the Condition - (e.g., my arm is broken) based on the idea that acknowledging the condition gets me out of psychological denial.
  • Deny it Power Over You - (I’m not going to let my broken arm limit my life or make my life miserable.)
  • Affirm Truth - (God is healing me now)
  • Give Thanks In Advance - (for the perfect outcome)
  • Let Go and Let God - (Put it on the altar)

Prayer for All Creation

Surely the Presence is in this place, and in all places, and in all creation.
Knowing and accepting this, we behold the Divine Presence in all creation throughout the world without exception.
Knowing that there are many paths to God, many names for God, many faces of God, but only one God, and God is expressing AS all creation in ALL ways always, we come together this morning to experience and express
our Oneness and Divinity.

Prayer for Protection by John Dillet Freeman

The light of God surrounds us;
The love of God enfolds us;
The power of God protects us;
The presence of God watches over us;
Wherever we are, God is!

100 Days of Positive Prayer by Rev. Patricia Reiter

In a state of divine union with God, I open my heart to allow the energy of pure love and appreciation to flow from me to everyone and everything. In the pure love of God, I am one with the earth, the air, the water, the soil, the trees, the plants and all their life-giving organisms.

In the pure love of God, I am one with all beings on the earth. I honor, respect and cherish all living things.

In the pure love of God, I release all thoughts, behaviors, beliefs and ideas that are not in harmony with the highest and best good for all.

In the pure love of God, I make wise choices and take right actions to preserve our planet for ourselves and all future generations.

In the pure love of God, I hold all countries, corporations, businesses, organizations, institutions and their leaders in prayer for harmony, peace, collaboration, wisdom and smart decisions for the highest and best good of our planet and its peoples.

In the pure love of God, I am united with all spiritually conscious beings. Together we hold the high watch for positive change for our world. In the name of all that is sacred, we daily lift our world family in prayer for health, peace, love, joy, wisdom, prosperity and safety. Amen.


I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.