Leslie Davidson

Alternate/Trustee at Large

I am fortunate to have been a Member of Unity Santa Fe for the last 25 years and my time here has allowed me to grow spiritually year by year. Β I am deeply grateful to have had this opportunity. Β I have served on the Board of Trustees for two separate terms of four years each. Β My relationships with the other members of the Board have enriched my life beyond measure.

I am married and live in Eldorado. Β My husband Dan and I adopted a shelter puppy named Cleo this Christmas, and we are having a blast with this adorable and challenging puppy. Β Other activities I enjoy include painting and jewelry making. I am a Physical Therapist and specialized in Orthopedic Rehabilitation before I retired.

We have two grandchildren Jack and Alex, both in their early twenties. They live in Austin, Texas with their mother Jane. Β I am sorry to say that my son Matthew, their father died two years ago. Β Many of my friends at Unity helped me get through that trying time and I am thankful to have had their support.

I am honored to have been asked to run as an alternate Board member and would be delighted to serve the church in this capacity.