July's Prayer Column: Actions are Living Prayers 🙏🏽

Unity Santa Fe Prayer Column for July Girl Praying2024

In Unity, we believe that our thoughts are prayers, and powerful ones, at that. When I have a negative thought, I have the power to release it and choose a new, more enlightened thought. We also pray using words, especially when praying with others. Again, I have the ability to choose words that align with Truth principles and hold the one with whom I pray in their highest place of understanding.

But can actions also be prayers? I believe the answer is “yes”. Charles Fillmore said, “Divine Ideas are always seeking expression through you.” Divine ideas are my thoughts. When I give voice to these divine ideas, I am putting them out into the universe and affirming Truth. I see taking action in accordance with divine ideas as another form of outward expression. I see my deeds as bringing these ideas to LIFE – Suzanne Giesmann’s acronym for “Love In Full Expression”.

When I mindfully speak words of kindness or encouragement to another, I am expressing Love and Compassion. When I cook a meal for my family, take food to an ailing friend, or give to a favorite charity, I prayerfully affirm the abundance in my life. When I speak words of appreciation or gratitude to another for their generosity toward me that, too, is a prayer.

Daniel Nahmod sings, “When I pray, I feel my heart go deeper into my God.” Likewise, when I think affirmative and uplifting thoughts, I feel my mind go deeper. When I speak these powerful thoughts and let them vibrate with the rhythm of the universe, I feel my heart go deeper. And when I act upon these thoughts, expressing in deeds the Loving-Kindness and healing Oneness of Truth, my soul goes deeper into the Source of all Love and LIFE.

Catherine Donovan
Unity Santa Fe Prayer Practitioner

Prayer Practitioners Available Every Sunday and During the Week

Every Sunday, after service, you have the opportunity to pray with a Unity Prayer Practitioner in the Sanctuary or youth classroom. 

You can also request to have a Prayer Practitioner call you once a month or during the week for a Private Prayer Call.