SOUL Circles Participant Signup ๐Ÿค—

Soul Circle

Winter 2025 SOUL Circles

Click Here to Sign Up for a SOUL Circle

SOUL Circles - Descriptions and Info:ย 


Participants Signup: Feb. 2-16ย 

Deadline to sign-up is Feb 16th.

Circles begin week of February 23rd

(Circles are 4-6 weeks and are generally 90min or 2 hour sessions, though they may vary)

1.ย  Let's play games

By Debra Desmond - In-Person - Saturdays at 1-3pm

Playing Games - Rummikub, Scrabble, Casino, etc.

Max Participants: 2

-Her Home - 3427 Via Janna, 87507


2.ย  Searching for Auras

By Bill Glaser - In-Person - Wednesdays at 6pm

For each meeting participants will be asked to bring something to share with the group. Declining the request doesnโ€™t make you ineligible to participate. And if everyone brings something to share we probably wonโ€™t get to everyone in one meeting. The thing to share could be an experience, a poem, a dream, a reading or an object of art or of personal meaning. But something that inspires or calls one to wish to grow. Our intention will be in our coming together we will experience each otherโ€™s energy and our oneness. As the Course of Love states: Christ consciousness is something far too vast to learn but is easily shared. And further we can most readily come to know our own Christ self in the openness and boundaryless experience of others. The first meeting time and location will be set in advance but the remaining meetings will occur on a plan as we go basis taking into account the needs of the participants and also allowing different people to host the group. And what about auras? Well, do you ever look for auras? Maybe thatโ€™s why you havenโ€™t seen any. Or have you? I think looking for a personโ€™s aura can be a very good way to open yourself to their presence, their energy, to your deep connection with you sister or brother.

Max Participants: 8

-711 Onate Place, 87505 - Bill's House by School for the Deaf


3.ย  Calling All Light Workers! - FULL

By Jeanne Kofron - In-Person - Wednesdays 2:30-4pm

Discussion group for ways forward during these interesting times of life.ย  We will use the 5 principles as a guide.ย  follow a Unity booklet to share how we create community and care for our body, mind and spirit as we age. There will be now required reading, just material presented at each meeting to discuss and consider.

Max Participants: 5

-Tribes Coffee House, 87507




โ€œMiracles can occur and healings will happenโ€

Unity Santa Fe SOUL Circles (previously SpiritGroups) are small groups of members, congregants and friends who meet three times a year for 4-6 weeks. Each group has a Facilitator who offers to lead the group in an activity, book study, or discussion group of their choice. The group may meet at the Facilitator's home, the home of a Host who is part of the group, online via Zoom, or in a public venue. The purpose of SOUL Circles is to offer the opportunity to get to know others in your spiritual community on a deeper level than is possible at the Sunday service or other community activities. SOUL Circles also plan and carry out a Social Action that benefits either the Unity Santa Fe Community or the greater community of Santa Fe through volunteer efforts. All Facilitators will attend an orientation prior to meeting.ย 

Through our SOUL Circles, we have the opportunity to experience a deeper level of the following qualities:

S - Spiritual Growth: We enrich our spiritual lives through the study and discussion of spiritual ideas as well as spiritually nurture ourselves with our devotion to prayer and meditation.

O - Openness: We open our hearts and minds to share freely our thoughts, beliefs, and stories of our individual journeys. We do this in an atmosphere of safety and confidentiality that warmly welcomes others from the greater community.

U - Unity: We come together to experience and express our Oneness with each other, our human family and indeed, the whole of creation, both material and spiritual.

L - Love: We put feet on the Power of Love through the support we offer to one another in our circles, especially during times of challenge. We also serve the larger community through acts of sacred social service that, in turn, expand and enrich our own lives.

Love one another. As I have loved you, so you are to love one another. -- John 13:34